March 31, 2015

7 Things To Do When Parents Visit Your Child Care Center
How to Make a Great First Impression When Prospective Parents Call

7 Things To Do When Parents Visit Your Child Care Center

The first visit to your center is a big deal for any parent. It is their first glimpse into your daily routines, your classrooms and your facilities. They, of course, are looking for a clean and happy environment, but they are also watching you and your staff closely. Parents are making a huge decision by leaving their child in your care and they want to feel like their little one will be happy and safe when at your center. Your greeting, your mood and your level of interest in their child and in their family will all contribute to their overall perception of your business. In order to make a good impression and (hopefully) get an enrollment, you should consider the following 7 tips.

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How to Make a Great First Impression When Prospective Parents Call


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First impressions are so important!

They are important in friendships, dating, business and pretty much every aspect of life. And yes, they are important for your child care or preschool program! We all judge people and places based on the very first time that we meet or see them. This may not always be fair but it is true.

The messages that parents get from you and your staff when they first call or visit your center will likely be “make or break.” They will have a lasting impact and will color their opinion of you from that moment on. That first impression will affect what parents think of your facilities, of you, of your program and of your business, in general. Parents who are left with a bad taste in their mouth won’t hesitate to speak poorly of you to other parents.

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