Lutheran daycares and preschools can be a great fit for families of all backgrounds, although it goes without saying that they are especially well suited to those of the Lutheran faith. The vast majority of Lutheran preschools use Bible teachings as a part of their daily curriculum, but many also welcome families from all backgrounds. These child care and preschool programs could good options for non-religious parents seeking to expose their children to a supportive environment that emphasizes strong morals, spirituality, and a sense of community.
Regardless of the particulars of their curriculum, all Lutheran preschools stress standard early childhood education goals such as socialization and developmentally appropriate skill building. It is possible to find Lutheran child care programs ranging from small Lutheran home daycares to large, academically-oriented preschools, although most are affiliated with a particular Lutheran parish. They are often, though not always, less expensive than comparable secular facilities and some even offer sliding scale tuition programs to help families afford what can be one of the most expensive aspects of raising a child.
Lutheranism is one of the largest protestant denominations, with over 80 million members, and there tends to be more available options for parents looking for Lutheran child care centers than for most other religious daycares and preschools. The size of the Lutheran Church has also led to a great deal of diversity within it, meaning that parents of other faiths might find Lutheran daycares centers that in practice align quite closely with their own beliefs. Lutheran child care and preschool programs will always emphasize strong moral values consistent with a Christian upbringing, while employing educational activities similar to those used in more secular early education programs, including extracurricular activities like foreign languages.
Many children thrive in consistent environments, and parents agreeing with the moral tenets of Lutheranism can be assured that their children will receive consistent reinforcement of those values. Even non-religious families might enjoy the tight-knit community that often forms around Lutheran and other
Christian daycares and preschools. Parents looking for a certain level of Bible study or prayer in their child's early education should confirm with their child care center how often each appears in the curriculum, as the frequency of explicit religious instruction can vary between programs.