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Methodist Daycares Near Me

About Methodist Daycares Near Me
Methodist daycares and preschools can be a great fit for families of all backgrounds, although it goes without saying that they are especially well suited to those of the Methodist faith. In the United States, the United Methodist Church is a mainline protestant Christian denomination and is known for a relatively tolerant stance on doctrine. Most Methodist daycares embrace an inclusive attitude regarding the beliefs and backgrounds of parents and their attending children. It's possible to find Methodist child care programs ranging from small Methodist home daycares, all the way up to large and academically-oriented preschools. However, most of them are affiliated with a particular Methodist parish. They are often, though not always, less expensive than comparable secular facilities and some even offer sliding scale tuition programs to help families afford what can be one of the most expensive aspects of raising a child. Methodist schools will always emphasize strong moral values consistent with a Christian upbringing, while employing educational activities similar to those used in more secular early education programs, including enrichment activities such as foreign languages. Music has a rich tradition in Methodism, so it is likely that singing and dancing will be a regular part of your toddlers and preschoolers' days. While biblical teachings and prayer are also typical, some Methodist preschools offer a relatively non-doctrinal environment. All of them, however, will stress standard early childhood education goals such as productive socialization and developmentally appropriate skill building. If you're considering a Methodist child care center, you should note that there have been regional disagreements within the Methodist Church on certain doctrinal questions, especially with regards to controversial social issues. It would thus be wise to inquire with specific Methodist daycare centers and learn more about their intended approach, should those topics be of concern to your family. Many children thrive in consistent environments, and parents agreeing with the moral tenets of Methodism can be assured that their children will receive consistent reinforcement of those values. Even non-religious families might enjoy the tight-knit community that often forms around Methodist and other Christian daycares and preschools. Parents looking for a certain level of Bible study or prayer in their child's education should confirm with their child care center how often each appears in the curriculum, as the frequency of explicit religious instruction can vary between programs.
Recent Reviews for Methodist Daycares
Ashburn Farm Children's Place, Ashburn VA
"We were incredibly fortunate to have our daughter, Hannah, attend Mrs. M’s childcare from the age of 18 months until she started kindergarten. Mrs. M, also known provided a" Read More
Potomac Lakes Children's Place, Sterling
"From the moment I first visited, it was clear that this daycare is a nurturing and stimulating environment for children. The daycare owner and her 2 staffs are exceptionally" Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How many daycares and preschools are there in the US?
There are over 200,00 licensed daycare and preschool programs on CareLuLu. In the US, there are over 800,000 child care businesses but most are not licensed.
How much does daycare cost in the US?
The average cost of daycare in the US is $9,649/year. The lowest price is $2,813/year (home daycare in Mississippi) and the most expensive is $23,666/year (child care center in Washington DC).
How many daycares offer infant care in the US?
Based on CareLuLu data, 60% to 70% of daycares offer infant care. This includes licensed home daycares and child care centers.
How many daycares and preschools offer part-time or drop-in care in the US?
Based on CareLuLu data, 40% of daycares offer part-time care or drop-in. This includes home-based and center-based child care and preschool programs.
How many daycares and preschools teach a foreign language in the US?
Based on CareLuLu data, 30% of daycares teach a foreign language. Most common languages include Spanish, French, Arabic, Hindi / Urdu, Korean.
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