June 2014

Child Care Centers Go Green: How to Choose a Healthy Environment for Your Kids
Great Father’s Day Ideas

Child Care Centers Go Green: How to Choose a Healthy Environment for Your Kids


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Going “green” and becoming more sustainable has grown to become an attractive and popular trend for many companies and organizations. Not only is it great for the environment, but those things that are harmful to the environment can also be unsafe for your children. When looking for childcare, things like wall paints, pest control practices and cleaning supplies are likely the last to cross your mind.  However, making sure that your center of choice is conscious of these things is important.

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Great Father’s Day Ideas


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As I was checking out the greeting card aisle, searching for the perfect Father’s Day card, I came upon a particular realization.  I picked up one after another that looked just like the last and I realized that society has completely conditioned us into associating our fathers with ties, a symbol that strictly reflects the working world and yet has nothing to do with what the holiday is actually about, family

We are accustomed to believe that ties, cufflinks and another pair of socks are the way to Dad’s heart, but what if what he really desires is something that costs less money and requires more thought? A present and a card will never compensate for quality time with the man who brought you into this world. Here are a couple ideas to get your wheels turning for Father’s Day.

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