Daycares in Ashburn VA

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About Daycares in Ashburn VA
Ashburn is located in the Dulles Technology Corridor, a business cluster with many defense and technology companies in Loudon County, Virginia. Many residents commute 30 miles Southeast for work, to Washington, DC. Home to over 50,000 residents, Ashburn counts 79 licensed child care and preschool programs. The town is affluent, and daycare in Ashburn thus costs 20% to 35% more than the Virginia State average. In Ashburn, full-time infant care costs an average of $18,980 per year ($1,580 per month) in a daycare center and $13,000 per year (over $1,080 per month) in a home-based daycare. The cost of child care for older children decreases, with an average of $15,080 per year for a 4-year-old in a center-based preschool (over $1,250 per month), compared to $11,180 in a home-base preschool ($930 per month). Child care tuition varies by age and location, to find out the average cost of daycare in your zip code, click here to use our daycare cost calculator. Ashburn is a highly educated community with a household median income of $120,800. It's also an ideal town for families who want to balance work and play. There are plenty of green spaces, nature trails, and recreation centers that allow for a fun and active lifestyle. Families have different preferences when it comes to early childhood education programs, and Ashburn daycares offer many options. Family child care programs, also called in-home daycare, are run in a home setting with a small number of children in care. It's, therefore, a good fit for parents who wish to have a family-oriented, intimate environment for their child. In-home daycares are also generally more affordable than child care centers. There are 38 licensed family child care programs in Ashburn, and 41 licensed daycare centers. Before and after school care is necessary when parents need to be away from home for a longer time, which is often the case for Ashburn families who commute to Washington, DC, to work. In Ashburn, 21 child care facilities offer services during non-traditional hours where children get food, help with their homework, and engage in fun educational activities. Families who want their child to learn a foreign language are served by six language immersion or bilingual daycares. Four religious child care programs offer an environment and curriculum with a focus on spiritual growth and understanding of a specific religion. Child Care Financial assistance is available in 14 early childhood education programs that accept government subsidy vouchers. Last but not least, twelve daycares in Ashburn offer a peanut-free environment to cater to children with a peanut allergy. State Licensed child care facilities must demonstrate that they offer a safe environment for children. They must provide a program conducive for quality early learning experiences that are vital for the growth and development of children. Virginia State Licenses are issued with up to three years of validity, depending on the level of compliance with VDSS standards. VDSS conducts announced and unannounced inspections at least twice a year to ensure that the facilities, programs, and services adhere to legal requirements stipulated in the Code of Virginia.
Recent Reviews for in Ashburn VA
Potomac Lakes Children's Place, Sterling
"The caregiver is an absolute gem. Our son smiles so big when he sees her in the morning and I can tell he had a great day at the end of every day. The other kids seem really happy" Read More
Ashburn Farm Children's Place, Ashburn VA
"We absolutely loved having our son attend this home daycare. He started attending when he was about three months old and continued until he was almost 2. He would still be there," Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How many daycares are there in Ashburn?
There are 102 daycares in Ashburn, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 58 home-based programs and 44 centers.
How much does daycare cost in Ashburn?
The cost of daycare in Ashburn is $1,109 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
How many daycares accept infants in Ashburn?
Based on CareLuLu data, 55 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 40 home-based programs and 15 centers.
How many daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Ashburn?
Based on CareLuLu data, 51 daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Ashburn.
How many daycares teach a foreign language in Ashburn (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.)?
Based on CareLuLu data, 37 daycares speak at least one foreign language. Most common languages include Spanish, Hindi, Farsi, French and Persian.
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