Emergency Child Care in Dulles VA

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Recent Reviews for Emergency Child Care in Dulles VA
Potomac Lakes Children's Place, Sterling
"The caregiver is an absolute gem. Our son smiles so big when he sees her in the morning and I can tell he had a great day at the end of every day. The other kids seem really happy" Read More
Ashburn Farm Children's Place, Ashburn VA
"We absolutely loved having our son attend this home daycare. He started attending when he was about three months old and continued until he was almost 2. He would still be there," Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an emergency child care facility?
Emergency child care programs are facilities used during a crisis like COVID-19. They can be regular daycares (approved during emergency) or temporary facilities setup specifically to cater to essential workers during the crisis (healthcare providers, police, transportation and food workers, etc.)
Who can use emergency child care during the coronavirus crisis?
Emergency child care allows essential workers (healthcare providers, police, transportation and food workers, etc.) to have access to daycare during a crisis. Non-essential personnel can often use these child care services too but State rules vary. Contact local authorities to confirm.
Who pays for emergency child care?
Parents normally pay for emergency child care unless they qualify for subsidies. However, during a crisis like COVID-19, some States may pay daycare costs for essential workers (healthcare providers, police, transportation and food workers, etc.) Contact local authorities to learn more.
How much does daycare cost in Dulles?
The cost of daycare in Dulles is $1,033 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
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