Daycares in Ellicott City MD

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About Daycares in Ellicott City MD
With an estimated population of over 72,000 residents, Ellicott City is the 6th most populated city in Maryland and the county seat of Howard County. It's known as “Old Ellicott City” for its historic district featuring the Ellicott City Station (a National Historic Landmark) and the 19th-century mill town (listed on the National Register of Historic Places). Ellicott City is home to 104 licensed child care and preschool programs, including 42 daycare centers that charge an average of $335 per week for full-time infant care ($17,420 per year). Center-based preschool costs $210/week for a 4-year old child ($10,920 per year). There are also 62 licensed in-home child care and preschool programs, which are more affordable with a tuition of $245 per week for infant care ($12,740 annually) and $210 per week for a 4-year old child ($10,920 annually). To find out the cost of daycare for your zip code and your child's age, click here to use our daycare cost calculator. The resilience of Ellicott City's residents and businesses is remarkable. The town experienced highly damaging floods from the Patapsco River located in the north and east in the city, as well as several devastating fires in the Historic Main Street. Despite those disasters, Money and named Ellicott City four times as one of the Top 20 Best Places to Live in the US since 2005. Newsmax magazine also recognized it as one of the Top 25 Most Uniquely American Cities and Towns in 2009. The median household income in Ellicott City is $124,059, about 55% higher than the Maryland state average. Ellicott City maintains a strong demand for quality child care and early childhood education. The 104 licensed daycares and preschools provide developmentally appropriate programs aligned with the Maryland Early Learning Standards. Parents should thus always verify that providers have a valid license issued by the Maryland State Department of Education – Office of Child Care (OCC). OCC monitors and regulates the legal requirements in operating a child care facility across the State. The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) contains the detailed requirements for each type of facility: Family Child Care Home, Large Family Child Care Home, and Child Care Center. Licensed daycares are typically a better and safer option for parents since they are inspected at least once a year to ensure that it provides a safe and appropriate place, equipment, and activities. All staff with access to the facility must undergo a criminal background check, child abuse, and neglect clearances, pass health and physical tests, receive mandatory training, etc. There is also a specified teacher-to-child ratio defined for each type of license to ensure that children receive the care and attention they need. Beyond verifying the licensing status of a daycare, parents may consider other factors when choosing a provider. Four bilingual child care programs support families who want their children to learn a foreign language such as Spanish. These daycares immerse their students in a multilingual environment by engaging them in learning activities about culture, music, and arts in a different language. For parents who want their child exposed to their faith can choose from three religious daycares, and for children with food allergies, 15 facilities provide a peanut-free environment. Families who can't afford the full cost of child care may qualify for the Child Care Subsidy Central Scholarship Program. Financial assistance is given upon submission of documents to show that parents are employed or enrolled in an approved study or training program. Upon approval and depending on the family's income, the program may pay child care tuition fees in part or in full. To qualify for subsidies, parents must follow the Maryland child immunization standards and provide proof of identification for all members of the household.
Other Daycares near Ellicott City MD
Recent Reviews for in Ellicott City MD
Village Of Hickory Children's Den, Columbia
"I happily send my 2-year-old to this daycare. I am confident that my child is cared for and has so much fun each day. She is very communicative and she sends me photos of my son" Read More
Hickory Ridge Little Playhouse, Columbia
"This daycare is an excellent daycare full of love and personalized attention for children. My daughter started going to daycare when she was two years old and now she is going to" Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How many daycares are there in Ellicott City?
There are 111 daycares in Ellicott City, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 66 home-based programs and 45 centers.
How much does daycare cost in Ellicott City?
The cost of daycare in Ellicott City is $929 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
How many daycares accept infants in Ellicott City?
Based on CareLuLu data, 68 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 59 home-based programs and 9 centers.
How many daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Ellicott City?
Based on CareLuLu data, 43 daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Ellicott City.
How many daycares teach a foreign language in Ellicott City (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.)?
Based on CareLuLu data, 24 daycares speak at least one foreign language. Most common languages include Spanish, Hindi, Korean, Urdu and Chinese.
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